COMASI's Commitment
to Holistic Community
Development is Reflected in
its Multifaceted Approach

Originally conceived as a grassroots organization, COMASI began its journey with a small group of passionate individuals dedicated to making a positive impact in their local community.

Our Areas of Focus

“ fosters sustainable development and community empowerment, focusing on environment, education, training, and medicare. We create lasting change through collaboration and strategic partnerships

About Us

INITIATIVE is a registered Non-Governmental
Organization in Kenya, operating in Nairobi,
Kisumu, Migori, Homabay, and Nyamira.
Our vision encompasses elevating standards in affordable specialist healthcare, eradicating poverty through income sustainability initiatives, promoting sustainable environmental practices, and addressing mental health challenges within the community.

Concerning Numbers

These compelling statistics underscore the urgency of immediate implementation of affirmative action.



of wastes are deposited in
Lake Victoria


Bed capacity in Kenya
against demand of 2



Depression cases recorded in Kenya



School-aged kids in Kenya
don’t attend any school
due to poverty

Our Partners

We can’t help everyone,
but everyone can help someone

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COMASI and EcoBana: A Partnership for Sustainable Community Development

The organization operates in five counties – Nairobi, Kisumu, Migori, Homabay, and Nyamira – and focuses on afforestation, reforestation, community involvement, education, policy.

COMASI recognizes the importance of achieving a 15% forest cover in Kenya

The organization operates in five counties – Nairobi, Kisumu, Migori, Homabay, and Nyamira – and focuses on afforestation, reforestation, community involvement, education, policy.

Kenya has a bed capacity 1,600 for mental health care

The Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Health reports that Kenya has a mental health care bed capacity of 1,600, with 400 of these beds located in private facilities.